Our Partnerships

TSE Systems is proud to have partnered with exceptional technology providers in the area of life sciences. The companies listed below provide complementary equipment to the current TSE portfolio. If you are interested in learning more about their systems, feel free to reach out to our specialists at info@tse-systems.com


NeuroLux, the world leader and developer of battery-free wireless optogenetics implants for preclinical research, is an early-stage company with a proven, patented preclinical technology platform based on more than a decade of engineering research. The company has supplied more than 250 complete systems and 25,000 wireless implantable devices to nearly 100 institutions in 10 countries worldwide.

Inhalation Sciences

Inhalation Sciences develops and sells patented, highly innovative labtech equipment for inhalation research. Scientists using it can now know, with unprecedented accuracy, how particles behave in our lungs when we inhale them: whether new pollutants or life-saving drugs that power human development. From big pharma to world-class medical universities, their customers are leading innovators in aerosol and inhalation research.