A Visionary in Neuroscience: Dr. Diego Bohórquez on Healing the Brain Through the Gut

A Visionary in Neuroscience: Dr. Diego Bohórquez on Healing the Brain Through the Gut

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A Visionary in Neuroscience: Dr. Diego Bohórquez on brain-gut axis

Why MotoRater is the best choice for advanced kinematic gait analysis

Rodent (rats and mice) kinematic gait analysis is a fundamental approach to exhibit genomic and neuro-de/re-generative preclinical research. Recent advancements in technologies and analytic tools...

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scientists used a custom-built Inhalation system for mice from TSE Systems to investigate the combined exposure of mice to aircraft noise and airborne particulate matter (APM)

New study reveals tremendous impact of air pollution and traffic noise on health in mice.

Air pollution is a global environmental crisis that has been linked to an estimated 9 million premature deaths per year, according to The Lancet Commission...

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Researchers record brain waves of free-swimming octopuses for the first time using the Neurologger

Octopuses are considered one of the most intelligent invertebrates. With over 300 million neurons, octopuses have the most complex invertebrate brain. Their brain is composed...

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Preclinical Research Trends in 2023

In the coming years, several exciting trends promise to revolutionize how we conduct preclinical animal research. Here are the most significant trends that we can...

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The power of mice genetics: advancing life science research and tackling society's biggest health challenges.

Mice are incredibly similar to humans, sharing around 97.5% of their working DNA. That’s why genetically engineered mice have become an essential tool for investigating...

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Go beyond and make your research much more data-rich and clinically relevant

In 1995, Christopher Reeve, best known for playing Superman in movies, was injured in a horse-riding accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down....

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